Tuesday, September 23, 2008

-My Hope-

As you know, what I hope now is, you can live your current life happily. You know what I mean, you know what I hope to see from you, you know yourself. So, can't you just be like that normal? Good? Learn to live happily no matter how, learn to love every one around you including your family, learn to love yourself. Be mature-thinking, be open-minded, be civic-minded, ignore those negative influence and bad friends. You know your friends yourself, learn to say "NO" to them. Some times, care about others opinion is good too, don't being with boys so much is good to you too, although i know you are active, playful, likes exciting. Being with girls, be polite and well-behaved like a girl, be smooth mannered. Be a good daughter, listen to your father and mother, some times your father might be unreasonable and fierce, but what he is doing, never harmful to you, it's all for your own GOOD.

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