Tuesday, September 23, 2008

S-O-R-R-Y, The Truth

"Sorry", is the word which I want to say to You, You, You, You, You and You Too. Just very Sorry for every thing, Sorry for making you disappointed, Sorry for making you sad, hope there's no hurt, Sorry for can't give you what you hope from me, Sorry for your patient of waiting, I know, I feel that you are treating me good, but please don't do that anymore, I'll be feel sorry for you, I'll be upset, I'm doesn't mean to you to be that good to me, I hope that you can treat me good as a friend, so am I will. I hope that you can understand in me. If you feel that I'm bad and cruel to you, just go ahead, i rather that you hate me, instead of I feel guilty myself and wasting your time. So, friends? okie?

And also my friends, my gangs, my classmate, my buddy and others. Thanks and sorry to all of you that actually I'm lying at you all. I lied to myself, my actions, my words, my face, my eye and my smile. But hope that you all will understand in me. Stupid? I know I am. I just want to apologize for you all may got some disappointment. Obviously, my hard time haven't ended yet. It's hide deeply in my heart with a carved scar that can't be seen, but can be feel. Just I'm becoming better, because of my friends, I enjoying, try to be happy everyday. So, I really appreciate you all concern, advise, time and others, especially when on my hard time before...just once again, "thanks" to all of you.

Joe, Z.Wei, J.Ping, Peter, Roy, S.Wai, Junyi...
Vivian, Lily, MayAnn...
Sorry if didn't mention you at here, cause of some reason...


lily_23 said...

means u r not u wheneva v c u in skul la..how can~XD

SUprEme said...

Haiz..EveRy1 haVe ThEir OwN hArd tIME de..
EvEn MySelF also HavE..
It'S Reali SuFfer..
But Mine iS Not The SaMe proBlem as ur's De la..

WhaT CAn I Say ?
i'm Also FEeLing BAd now..
Juz CAn SaY GuD LUck For EvErythINg n TiME ProVE EveRythINg...

Vivient said...

allah..still dunwan update ur blog!XD